Thursday, October 30, 2008

Yay Suzie!!!!!!

The WINNER is Suzie for $70!!!!!!!!!

(although the true winners are Becky & Billy right? Or maybe the true winners are the Berry's who get to bring these adorable kids into their family).

Thank you everyone! This was such a fun auction to watch with a bunch of new bidders, some from people I'm sure I've never met. And action right up until the last minute! So fun.

I am almost done with the next BlackBerry auction item, so stay tuned in the next few days....

And Suzie, please introduce yourself! How did you find the blog and do you know the Berry's?

Also, please contact me via e-mail so I can get a shipping address from you, and let you know where to send a check to for the Berry adoption fund. My e-mail is in my profile on the blog.